“Joining The Diet Everyone Talks About lifestyle programme is the best decision that I’ve ever made for myself.  Losing weight is not easy but it can be done.  Once you’re in the right mindset, a good lifestyle program and an exercise routine will help you lose weight.

My name is Tania Parker and I am 25 years old.  I joined The Diet Everyone Talks About lifestyle programme because I was just tired of being overweight and not being able to do things with my friends.

I felt as though I could not go out and enjoy myself as I was always hiding because I was ashamed of my weight.  I was too embarrassed to join my friends on a night out.  The only time I would go out was when I was with my family because they didn’t judge me and I felt comfortable around them.

I joined the lifestyle programme on the 17th of June 2015; with a starting weight of 133 kg and to date I have lost an impressive 42 kg!

I have tried other diet plans but none of them worked for me.  With The Diet Everyone Talks About, you learn to make the right food choices rather than having a generalised assumption of what a person can or can’t eat.  The diet is not hard to follow at all and you get to make your own meal plans with the food that you’re allowed to eat.

Before I joined this lifestyle programme, I always felt tired and never had the energy or motivation to do any form of exercise.  Once I started the diet, I decided to start walking every morning and now I go to the gym four times a week.

Part of my job involves being a photographer.  Losing weight has made it so much easier because I am on my feet all day.  I’m also a lot more confident now which helps me when I meet new clients.  My colleagues are impressed by the fact that I keep losing weight and it stays off.

My family is extremely proud of what I have achieved.  They say that I have managed to break out of my shell and have so much more confidence in everything that I do.  They have been nothing but supportive and positive through my weight loss journey.  Friends that I have not seen in a while walk right past me before they notice me.  They have all been so surprised and shocked at my weight loss.

This lifestyle programme offers a great diet to follow which will assist in losing weight but the real reason behind my progress is my diet clinician.  She puts in so much dedication into helping me and is always there when I need advice from her.  She also suggests new and interesting recipes to me.  My favourite recipes are all the recipes in the dessert section from The Diet Everyone Talks About “Eat Slim/Eet Slim” recipe book because they make me feel like I am not missing out on the sweet side of life.

 I have seen a great improvement in my health due to eating healthy and exercising, I can walk and be on my feet all day without getting tired like I used to.  I can go out and have fun with my friends without being ashamed of my weight.  I carry confidence with me wherever I go and I am extremely happy with my weight loss results.”