August 2019
Over the past thirty years, weight loss methods and routines have changed a lot, but The Diet Everyone Talks About has a proven record and remained constant in helping people shed unwanted weight.
For a bit of nostalgia, looking back over 30 years, people didn’t have access to the weight loss methods that exist today, in addition, information wasn’t as easy to come by without smartphones and the internet. Some of the’ famous’ diets over the years include:
- The Cabbage Soup Diet: With this diet, all you ate was cabbage soup for seven to ten days. Sounds delicious!
- The Grapefruit Diet: This diet involved eating a grapefruit with every meal. The belief was that the grapefruit contained a special enzyme that burnt all fat super quickly.
- Meal Replacements: This was a diet programme that involved replacing any two meals with meal replacement bars, cookies or shakes.
The most successful diets, however, include watching intake and output and assessing the foods you eat and what they actually do to your body’s ability to effectively and healthy use the food you are eating, If something affects your insulin levels for example, merely dieting, will not result in efficient weight loss.
The Diet Everyone Talks About is a carbohydrate-controlled 10-week lifestyle programme that has successfully been helping people lose weight for the past 30 years. The company became pioneers in marrying a balance of carbohydrates and kilojoules, promoting weight loss with elevated energy levels while allowing people to still eat enough and feel satisfied. In the beginning, it took the company years to develop and adapt the diet to suit everyone, as most people still concentrated only on kilojoules. The company has also through the years, developed its own successful products.
The success of the business results from the diet programme being scientifically tested and proven, resulting in years and years of success. Clients always feel satisfied, their health improves, and they become more energetic as the company’s diet programme is based on working with the body’s natural weight loss abilities.
Controlling and lowering your intake of carbohydrates leads to reduced inflammation in the body and helps maintain your insulin and blood sugar levels. Having high sugar levels leads to chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer,” says Gert Coetzee, Pharmacist and Diet pioneer, who founded The Diet Everyone Talks About.
Below he lists some hints and tips that can be used to lose weight:
Ditch refined carbs:
Refined carbs include foods such as white bread, pasta or flour, generally foods that have had their nutrients and fibre removed. Due to being low in fibre, these foods only fill you up for a short period of time, causing you to eat more and more often. Instead go for foods such as oats and vegetables as they not only keep you fuller for longer, but they also contain more nutrients that are good for your body
Include protein in your diet:
Diets that are high in protein keep you fuller for longer meaning that you will have reduced cravings and obsessive thoughts about food. Protein also helps boost your metabolism, so make sure that there is a source of protein in each of your meals. Protein foods include fish, eggs and poultry.
Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables contain properties that make them useful for weight loss. They are nutritious and filling, which is beneficial for your overall health.
Cut down on sugar:
Added sugar is one of the worst things to have in your diet, with some even labelling it poisonous for our bodies. Sugar is associated with an increased risk in obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Snack smart:
Make sure that you keep healthy food around to snack on rather than searching for something unhealthy when you feel hungry. Healthy snacks that are easy to prepare and carry around include nuts, boiled eggs, fruits, vegetable sticks and biltong.
For more information or if you’d like to join The Diet Everyone Talks About:
Tel: (016) 362 4890