WORLD Haemophilia Day is commemorated on 17 April.
Haemophilia is a rare disorder when your blood does not clot effectively due to a lack of blood clotting proteins. When you have haemophilia, you would for example bleed for longer after an injury.
People with haemophilia don’t need a special diet but they need to eat well and maintain a healthy weight The goal is to keep your joints healthy and strong and to keep extra weight off in order to avoid bleeding in vulnerable joints and muscles. Excessive weight puts strain on your joints and al so increases the amount of re placement therapy needed to prevent or treat a bleed.
The internal bleeding can damage your tissues and organs which can be li.f:e-threatening.
Gert Coetzee, pharmacist and diet pioneer who founded The DietEveryone TalksAbout, says thatit’simportant totake charge of your health if you have hae mophilia.
* Increase your intake of
whole grains. Oats, brown rice, wholewheat bread, cereal and pasta are good options and they
will also help you stabiliseyour blood glucose levels.
* Eat foods rich in iron. Peo
ple with bleeding disorders need
to maintain normal blood cell production and blood volume.
The body usesiron to produce red blood cells which carry oxy gen to your muscles. Iron is lost when you bleed so iron rich foods may help you recover fast er ifyouhave ableeding episode. It’s important to note that a healthy diet is not the only thing that will help you treat haemo philia.You need to speak to your doctor about the condition and
follow specialised treatments.